WILLIAM STERLING is currently OPEN for editing projects

Unlike other editors who break up their services into Developmental, Copy, or Line Edits, I prefer to offer a wholesale approach to sharpening your story. My process includes, typically, two passes at a story...
FIRST PASS- I'll read the whole manuscript, and will offer chapter by chapter feedback so that you can see how your story is landing with a new reader. Did that plot twist work? Which characters seem flat? Are any chapters dragging a bit vs are any chapters ripping along too fast? I'll send you all of this and more so you can make big-picture adjustments.
SECOND PASS- After you make (or don't make) any big picture story adjustments, I'll do the print-ready edits. Punctuation and grammar fixes, of course, but also recommendations about how to restructure some sentences and paragraphs to maximize the effect that I understand you to be going for (having read the story once already).

I prefer to book just one, or two, books per month, so that I can give the stories the attention they deserve. I also prefer to work with people who I am familiar with. People are less likely to ghost, or not pay, people who they have a prior relationship with. Also, if I already know your preferences and strengths, as an author, I'll be more able to help you lean into those strengths.
$.016 per word. This guarantees a minimum of the two "passes," detailed in the column to the left.
I operate through a "1/2 up front, 1/2 at the end" pay system. Typically through Paypal, but that can be negotiated.
Please send inquiries to theWilliamSterling@gmail.com. Inquiries should include your name, a brief description of the work, the word count, and your first chapter. I will respond to all inquiries, and if I'm available and interested in working with you, then I will respond with a "sample edit" for your first chapter.

Acquisitions and Lead Editor for TRUBORN PRESS's PUNK goes HORROR, to include Rachel Harrison, Eric J Guignard, Christoph Paul, Brian McAuley, and many more...
Ross Jeffery- Metamorphosis
Tony Evans- A Bad Case of Tinnitus
Kenya Moss-Dyme- Progeny
Zach Lamb- Remove the Veil